Past In-Person Events + Videos
Wine Tasting
thanks to
Brick Wine Bar

Yet, another wine tasting -
at Terroir - and we had only a little bit at this point!
Great wines from all over the world, and yummy nibbles too.

Dim Sum -
thanks to Dim Sum Palace
Dim Sum - So delicious,
So much food, So much fun!

Advisory Board Retreat
in Southampton
Leaning Into the Future Of Work
Live Edutainment Interview Series

In August 2020, Lean In NYC introduced a new, live interview series, LEANING IN to THE FUTURE OF WORK, hosted by long time Circle Leader, Debra Albert. Each month, Debra interviews interesting leaders who are outstanding in their field or at the forefront of what’s to come.
From the struggles and setbacks of remote working to creating connection in a virtual world to examining how technology is enabling a new work culture, this interview series will offer unique perspectives from the THINKERS and DOERS shaping the future of work.
The series attempts to bridge the cultural and technological divide between younger and older workers, both of whom can benefit from each other’s knowledge and skills in important ways.

Leaning Into the Future of Work Live Interview Series
GUEST: Donald Rosenfeld and Blanche Weisen Cook - Creators of the upcoming series, Eleanor​
LinkedIn Live

Leaning Into the Future of Work Live Interview Series
GUEST: Betty Wong, Founder, Stage2Startups,
This interview was on ZOOM. Here's the link to it on YouTube